HAROLD KOENIG | Spirituality into Clinical Practice
DAVID SCHEICH | Spiritual Care Counts More than We Knew: Whose Job is it Anyway?
DAVID MERCIER | A Beautiful Medicine
OPEN CEREMONY | 7th Spiritist Medical Congress
ELAINE DRYSDALE | Practical Tools for Spiritual Assessment
WEBINAR: Health and Spirituality - Brief Overview
ALEXANDRE MOREIRA-ALMEIDA | Statement in Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry
ROUND TABLE | Dr. Koenig, Dr. Mercier, Dr. Schleich, Dr. Moreira-Almeida
ALEXANDRE MOREIRA-ALMEIDA | The Understanding of the Mind-Brain Relationship
SERGIO LOPES [in Portugueses] | O Cérebro Triúno (The Triune Brain)
JENNIFER McCORMICK | Spiritual Art – Short Talk & Slides
ELAINE DRYSDALE | Psychiatry, Spirituality and Near-Death Experiences in Medical Practice
[in Portuguese] Spirituality in Palliative Care by Marcia Colasante Salgado, MD,
The Lagacy of Dr. Candace Pert, Beyond the Molecules of Emotion by Michael Ruff, PhD
My Friend Candace: Adventure Together in the Mind-Body Revolution by Nancy Mariott
The Greater Spiritual Realty - Gary Schuartz, PhD
Q&A with Michael Ruff & Nancy Marriott - 5th U.S. Spiritist Medical Congress
Consciousness at the Beginning of Life by Wendy Anne McCarty, PhD
The Re-incarnating Spirit by Dr. Sonia Doi
Lakshmi Landa - Parental Preparation for the Incarnating Soul
Interaction between Spirit & Body by Dr. Marlene Nobre
Q&A Session at the 5th U.S. Spiritist Medical Congress
Mario Beauregard, PhD - The Primordial Psyche: A Post-Meterialist Perspective
Dr. Giancarlos Lucchetti - The Pineal Gland: A Chronological Study Across Time & Cultures
Dr. Carlos R. de Oliveira - Interaction Mind-Brain-Cell at the Molecular Level
Questions & Ansewers Session - 5th U.S. Spiritist Medical Congress
Arnaud Delorme, PhD - Investigating Mediums' Brainwaves
Dr. Jorge Daher Jr. - Current Evidence of Consciousness Survival after Death
Q&A Session - 5th U.S. Spiritist Medical Congress
Willow Moore, MD - Recognizing the Spirit in the Human Being
Gary Schwartz - Acknowlwdging the Spirit: A Turning Point in Research
Closing Remarks - 5th U.S. Spiritist Medical Congress
5th U.S. Spiritist Medical Congress - Opening Ceremony
The Dawn of a New Era in Medicine
Tribute to Dr. Marlene Nobre
Round Table Discussion - Spiritist in Practice - 6th Spiritist Medical Congress
Addiction & Spirituality by Kirsten DeMelo, RN
Being a Doctor When Nothing Else is Working by Christoph Kind, ND
[in Portuguese] Spirituality in Aging by Alessandra G. Lucchetti, MD
Integrating Soul and Body in Diagnosis and Treatment by Claudio Petrillo, MD
Dying Healed by Peter Fenwick, MD
Spiritual Beliefs, Practices and Experiences by Mario Peres, MD, PhD
Distant Healing Techniques: A Tentative Scientific Conciliation by Dr. Marcelo Saad
Spiritual Experiences and Health by Harald Walach
The New Psychology of Anomalous (Extraordinary) Experiences by Etzel Cardeña
Implications of Spirituality to Clinical Practice by Dr. Alexander M. Almeida
Scientific Production on the Possibility of an Autonomous Consciousness... by Dr. Jorge Daher
Q&A - Scientif Developments of Spirituality in Medicine
Complementary Spiritist Therapy Effectiveness... by Silvana Rossini